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Found my Tacrix cable. was going to sell but changed mind.

Posted: January 19th, 2012, 6:19 pm
by aviator79
I bought my cable a long time ago as I was supposed to help with the beta testing but my car had/has so many problems that I never got to it. I am still having issues that I need to resolve, but I really think I want to ditch my CPE standback and go with this. I wish I never bought it as its not worth anything anymore and I never really used it. My car has exhaust leaks and bucking problems. The suspension and steering rack are screwed up also. I need to get all these things fixed and hopefully save up some money to buy this. I was selling off all my stuff cause I just had a kid, the wife is out of work, all my CCs are maxed out and I cannot pay the mortgage. But hopefully after I sell off my space engine I was going to build, the big valve head I have, meth kit etc...I will be in better shape. I was about to sell the tactrix cable also but decided to see if this was ever released and it really looks good.

Re: Found my Tacrix cable. was going to sell but changed min

Posted: January 19th, 2012, 6:43 pm
by skiptownmcat
Hope your luck changes soon mate, VT is awesome!!