Wait for add support for ECU Calibration ID

Discussion of tuning specific to Mazda6 SkyActiv Diesel vehicles
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Wait for add support for ECU Calibration ID

Post by jaychoi83 »

Hi, everyone. I am new on VersaTuner.
My Mazda 6 SkyActiv-D 2.2, 2017, Hong Kong Version.

After install VersaTuner, and connected to my car through OBDLink-Ex. It shows that VersaTuner did not support my ECU Calibration ID yet, I would like to ask that how many days did I need to wait for support normally?

Another question is that my car will change to limb mode when declining or sliding (Traction Control Light on, i-stop no function, cannot change to manual gear, hunting when change the gear), I had done a lot of thing, such as replace the CAM shafts, Carbon remove, replace the vacuum pump etc. However, the situation is still exist. Is it possible to fix this problem by remap?
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Ugnius @ VersaTune
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Re: Wait for add support for ECU Calibration ID

Post by Ugnius @ VersaTune »

As stated in the request form, adding support for a calibration takes up to 2 business days.
Remapping is used to increase performance, but it is not used to fix mechanical issues, especially when the underlying cause has not been determined.
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